Adding Learner Driver To Insurance Admiral

Adding Learner Driver To Insurance Admiral

Adding a Learner Driver to Your Insurance Admiral Policy

Making Sure Your Learner Driver is Covered

Learning to drive is an exciting time for any young adult, but with it comes the responsibility of ensuring that they’re properly covered. Adding a learner driver to your existing insurance policy with Admiral can give you peace of mind and ensure you’re covered should the worst happen. Read on to find out how to add a learner driver to your policy and the restrictions you should be aware of.

Adding a Learner Driver to Your Policy

Adding a learner driver to your Admiral policy is a relatively straightforward process. You’ll need to call our customer service team and provide them with the details of the learner driver and the car they’ll be driving. You’ll also need to provide proof of the learner driver’s identity and driving license. Our customer service team will be able to provide more information on this. Once you’ve provided the necessary information, the learner driver will be added to your policy.

Restrictions on Learner Drivers

When adding a learner driver to your policy, there are a few restrictions you should be aware of. For example, learner drivers must be supervised at all times by a qualified driver aged 21 or over. The qualified driver must have held a full UK driving license for at least three years. There are also restrictions on the types of car the learner driver can drive. For example, the car must have a minimum of four doors and a maximum of eight cylinders. If the learner driver is driving a car with more than eight cylinders, then they must be accompanied by a qualified driver aged 25 or over.

Benefits of Adding a Learner Driver to Your Policy

By adding a learner driver to your Admiral policy, you can enjoy a range of benefits. For example, learner drivers will be covered for Third Party Liability cover, which means that if they cause an accident, then the costs will be covered. Additionally, your policy will also cover any damage caused to the learner driver’s car, as well as any damage caused to third party property. This means that you don’t have to worry about any unexpected costs should the worst happen.

The Benefits of Adding a Learner Driver to Your Admiral Policy

Adding a learner driver to your Admiral policy is a great way to ensure that they’re properly covered while they’re learning to drive. Not only will they be covered for Third Party Liability cover, but they’ll also have cover for any damage caused to their car or third-party property. Plus, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your learner driver is properly covered. So, if you’re thinking of adding a learner driver to your existing policy, then why not give Admiral a call and find out more about how we can help?

Learner Driver Insurance - 90 days (renew option available) - from £1.

Learner Driver Insurance - 90 days (renew option available) - from £1.
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