Car Insurance Groups List 1 50

Car Insurance Groups List 1 50

Car Insurance Groups List 1-50 Explained

What is a Car Insurance Group?

Car insurance groups are a way of categorizing vehicles to help insurance companies set premiums. The groups range from 1 to 50 and are determined by the Association of British Insurers (ABI). Factors taken into account when assigning a car to a group include the cost of repair and replacement parts, the cost of the car when new, its top speed, and its power. Generally, the higher the group, the more expensive the car insurance will be.

Car Insurance Group List 1-50

Group 1 cars are usually the cheapest to insure. This group includes small city cars, some superminis and old family cars. Examples of cars in group 1 are the Fiat Panda, Volkswagen Up, and Ford Ka. Group 2 cars are slightly larger than the vehicles in group 1, including the Ford Fiesta and Vauxhall Corsa. Group 3 cars include mid-sized family cars such as the Honda Civic and Volkswagen Golf. Group 4 cars include larger family cars such as the BMW 3 Series and Volkswagen Passat. Group 5 cars are executive cars such as the Mercedes C-Class and BMW 5 Series. Group 6 cars are luxury cars such as the Jaguar XF and Mercedes S-Class. Group 7 cars are high-performance cars such as the Porsche 911 and Audi R8.

How Car Insurance Groups Affect Premiums

The cost of car insurance can vary greatly depending on the car insurance group the vehicle is assigned to. Cars in the higher groups, such as groups 8-10, are usually more expensive to insure. This is because they tend to be more powerful and expensive to repair. On the other hand, cars in the lower groups, such as groups 1-3, are generally cheaper to insure. This is because they tend to be less powerful, cheaper to repair, and cheaper to replace if stolen or written off.

How to Find Out Your Car's Insurance Group

It is easy to find out the car insurance group of a particular vehicle. You can use the ABI’s website to search for the insurance group of a specific car. Alternatively, you can contact your car insurance provider who should be able to provide you with the insurance group of your car. Knowing the insurance group of your car can help you to get a better understanding of how much your car insurance will cost.

How to Lower the Cost of Car Insurance

The best way to save money on car insurance is to shop around and compare quotes from different providers. Different insurers will have different premiums depending on the car insurance group and the level of cover you require. It is also important to consider any optional extras such as breakdown cover or legal expenses cover. Other ways to save money on car insurance include opting for a higher voluntary excess, parking your car in a secure location, and installing an approved security device such as an immobilizer.


Car insurance groups can have a significant impact on the cost of car insurance. The higher the group, the more expensive the insurance is likely to be. It is important to be aware of the car insurance group when shopping around for a car insurance policy. It is also important to consider any optional extras when comparing car insurance quotes and to look for ways to reduce the cost of your premiums such as opting for a higher voluntary excess or parking your car in a secure location.

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