Does Discover Card Have Rental Car Insurance

Does Discover Card Have Rental Car Insurance?
If you are a Discover card holder, you may be wondering if your card offers rental car insurance. The answer is yes, but there are some limitations. Discover card does offer rental car insurance, but there are certain restrictions and limitations that you need to be aware of. Understanding what is covered and what isn't can help you to make the most of your rental car insurance coverage.
What is Covered?
When you use your Discover card to pay for the rental car, you will be covered for physical damage and theft of the rental car. This coverage is secondary, which means that you must have your own personal insurance to cover the rental car before Discover card will cover any damages. All Discover cards are eligible for rental car insurance, regardless of the type of card you have.
What is Not Covered?
Discover card rental car insurance only covers physical damage and theft of the rental car. It does not cover any liability or medical expenses that may arise from an accident. Additionally, it does not cover personal property inside the rental car, nor does it cover towing expenses. You may want to consider purchasing additional insurance coverage if you plan on renting a car, as Discover card's coverage may not provide enough protection in some cases.
Who is Eligible for Coverage?
The primary cardholder is eligible for rental car insurance coverage. Additionally, any authorized users that are listed on the account are also eligible for coverage. However, there are some restrictions in place for authorized users. They must be at least 25 years of age in order to be eligible for coverage, and they must also be listed as an authorized user on the primary cardholder's account.
What is the Coverage Limit?
The coverage limit for Discover card rental car insurance is $50,000 per incident. This means that the maximum amount that Discover card will pay out in the case of an accident or theft of the rental car is $50,000. This limit is not per person, so if there are multiple people involved in an accident, the coverage limit is still $50,000.
What Do I Need to Do to Get Coverage?
In order to get coverage, you must use your Discover card to pay for the rental car. Additionally, you must decline any additional insurance coverage offered by the rental car company. If you accept the additional coverage, then you will not be eligible for Discover card's rental car insurance coverage. Lastly, you must provide the rental car company with your Discover card information in order for the coverage to be in effect.
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