How Much Is Car Insurance For A 18 year old Per Month

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 18 year old Per Month

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 18 Year Old Per Month?

At 18 years old, car insurance can seem like an expensive and unnecessary expense. After all, you’re young and invincible, right? Unfortunately, no one is invincible, and getting car insurance is an important part of being a responsible driver. But just how much is car insurance for a 18 year old per month? That depends on a variety of factors, including the make and model of the car, the state you live in, and other factors. Read on to find out more about the cost of car insurance for a 18 year old.

Factors That Influence Car Insurance Costs

When it comes to car insurance, there are several factors that will affect the cost. For instance, the make and model of the car will be a factor in the cost. Generally speaking, more expensive cars will cost more to insure, as will cars that are more likely to be stolen. Additionally, the state you live in can have a significant impact on the cost of car insurance. Some states have higher rates than others, and this can have an effect on the cost of insurance. Finally, the age of the driver is also a factor. Generally speaking, younger drivers tend to have higher insurance costs, as they are seen as more likely to be involved in an accident.

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 18 Year Old Per Month?

When it comes to car insurance for a 18 year old, the cost can vary greatly. Generally speaking, the average cost of insurance for a 18 year old is around $150 to $200 per month. However, this number can vary greatly depending on the factors mentioned above. For instance, if the driver is in a state with higher insurance rates or if the car is considered more expensive to insure, the cost can be much higher. Additionally, if the driver has had any accidents or moving violations, the cost of insurance can also be much higher.

Tips for Lowering Costs

If you’re a 18 year old looking to lower the cost of car insurance, there are a few things you can do. For instance, many insurance companies offer discounts for good students or for drivers who have completed a defensive driving course. Additionally, some companies offer discounts for cars that have certain safety features, such as anti-lock brakes or airbags. Finally, the type of car you buy can also have an effect on the cost. Generally speaking, cars that are considered less expensive to insure will also be less expensive to insure.

The Bottom Line

Figuring out how much is car insurance for a 18 year old per month can be difficult, as there are many factors that can affect the cost. However, the average cost of insurance for a 18 year old is around $150 to $200 per month. There are also several ways to lower the cost of car insurance, such as taking a defensive driving course, getting good student discounts, and purchasing a car with certain safety features. Ultimately, it’s important to shop around and compare rates from different insurance companies in order to get the best deal.

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