Does Car Insurance Cover Theft Of Personal Items Progressive

Does Car Insurance Cover Theft Of Personal Items Progressive

Does Car Insurance Cover Theft Of Personal Items Progressive?


Car insurance is a type of insurance that covers losses and damages that are related to your car. It typically covers damages and losses caused by accidents, theft and other events. It can also cover personal items that are stolen from your vehicle. In this article, we'll explore the details of Progressive car insurance and the coverage it provides for theft of personal items.

What Does Progressive Car Insurance Cover?

Progressive car insurance provides coverage for a variety of scenarios. It protects your vehicle against damage or loss caused by accidents, fire, theft, and other events. It also covers medical expenses, rental car expenses, and other costs that you may incur as a result of an accident. In addition, it covers any personal items that are stolen from your vehicle.

What Kind Of Personal Items Are Covered?

Progressive car insurance covers a variety of personal items that are stolen from your car. These items include but are not limited to: clothing, laptops, tablets, cameras, jewelry, and other items that you may have in your vehicle. Progressive car insurance will cover the value of the items that are stolen, up to the limits of your policy.

How Much Does Progressive Car Insurance Cover?

The amount of coverage provided by Progressive car insurance for theft of personal items will depend on the specific policy that you have. Most policies will provide coverage for the value of the items that are stolen, up to the limits of your policy. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine the exact amount of coverage that you have for personal items.

What If My Personal Items Are Not Covered?

If your personal items are not covered by your Progressive car insurance policy, you have a few options. You can purchase an additional policy that will provide coverage for your personal items. You can also purchase a separate personal items policy that will provide coverage for the items that are stolen. Finally, you can purchase a rider on your car insurance policy that will provide additional coverage for personal items.


Progressive car insurance provides coverage for theft of personal items. The amount of coverage will depend on your specific policy, so it is important to check with your insurance provider to determine the exact coverage that you have. If your policy does not provide coverage for personal items, you can purchase a separate policy, a rider, or an additional policy that will provide coverage for the items that are stolen.

Read more:,loss%20caused%20by%20accidents%2C%20theft.

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